Authentic Connections Survey Takeaways

March 5, 2023 Off By Kate Parker

Hi guys! Welcome back to another blog post. This week, I was fortunate enough to find a Vimeo recording of Nina Kumar, the Authentic Connections Co-founder and CEO, presenting on the results of the school wide wellness survey taken at DA. I watched and took notes, as well as formulated ideas and questions that arose in response to this presentation. In the coming weeks, I plan to dig deeper into these results with the help of my content advisors, pick a focus area to do further research on, and brainstorm possible solutions that we could implement here at DA! I am super hopeful about where this independent study is taking me, so stay tuned for further updates 🙂

Below are photos of my notes, takeaways, ideas, and questions that arose during and after the Vimeo:

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog, and I hope you have an amazing day!